The purpose of PG-FISIOCIRURGIA is to prepare highly qualified academic personnel for higher education and scientific production, especially applied to surgical practice and physiopathological understanding.
The creation of the Graduate Courses in Physiopathology and Surgical Sciences (PG-FISIOCIRURGIA), Master's and Doctorate programs fulfills an old desire of the academic community of UERJ, of all the state of Rio de Janeiro and even of the country, since it represents a perfect and fruitful integration between the area of basic applied research and the surgical area, that is, the research of the bench to bed, which is the current and ideal research trend.
PG-FISIOCIRURGIA brings together several professors who already have extensive experience in stricto sensu (degree course) graduate courses, academic supervision and production. The relevant academic production is verified through several groups and established research lines, including several professors with CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship.
Several stricto sensu graduate courses in the surgical area have been disqualified over the past 6 years, due to the new CAPES graduate policy, and for not adapting to this new policy. Thus, there is an important demand on the part of graduates, who need a Graduate Program in Surgery, in the most current standards and within the current stricto sensu graduate policy of CAPES.
PG-FISIOCIRURGIA's proposal fits perfectly within the stricto sensu graduate policy currently in force in the Greater Health Area, and especially and specifically in Capes' Medicine III Area.
The program coordinator is Professor Luciano Alves Favorito, Full Professor at IBRAG UERJ, Researcher at CNPq.
SUPERVISORS: It is a fundamental aspect of the program's philosophy and an inexorable point for coordination that a stricto sensu graduate program only makes sense if the knowledge and scientific production it generates meet international quality criteria. Thus, students entering the program will sign a document in which they become aware that the authorization for the oral examination thesis will only be given if the supervisor and the student present to the coordination a letter of acceptance of a scientific article, related to the theme of the dissertation, by an international circulation scientific journal with editorial board, indexed in PubMed, and with the name of the graduate student and of the supervisor. In addition, all supervising professors must have at least 2 scientific articles published every 3 years, related to the theme(s) of their line(s) of research. In addition, it is obvious that supervisors must demonstrate scientific recognition by their peers in their area of expertise, endorsed by fundraising in official agencies, research productivity scholarships, advice and opinion to official research promotion agencies, members of the editorial board and “ad-hoc” reviewers of indexed international journals, participations and presentations at congresses and scientific symposium in their specialty. Supervisors who do not comply with these requirements will be disqualified and will only supervise again after the requirements are met.
A significant part of the researchers involved in the program has obtained significant support for research through official agencies, some of which are quite important, such as PRONEX (Support Program for Excellence Centers), FAPERJ Clinical Project and the NEOPLASIAS Program (CNPq).
PG-FISIOCIRURGIA professors have an important intra and inter institutional association, even with several institutions abroad. The collaboration is official, with agreements signed between the institutions. Following are some of the agreements: Urology Service. Hospital Municipal Souza Aguiar, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Department of Morphology, Fluminense Federal University (UFF), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Department of Nutrition, (UFF), RJ, Brazil, Experimental Medicine Division, National Cancer Institute (INCa), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, Urology Division, University of São Paulo (USP) and Laboratory of Surgical and Molecular Pathology, Hospital Sírio e Libanês, SP, Brazil, Institute of Biophysics, (UFRJ), RJ, Brazil, Division of Urology, Basic Research Section, Stanford University, California, USA, Institute of Basic and Applied Biology, University of Caen Basse, Normandie, France, Department of Comparative Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.